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Editing, Expanding and Modifying Domination

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depbo the mission, copy it to your missions (\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\name\missions\), open it with the editor and replace the playable units with the ones you want. Don't forget to make them playable again and keep their names.

depbo? what is this and how would I go about doing this....sorry for being such a n00b :)

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depbo? what is this and how would I go about doing this....sorry for being such a n00b :)

Read the first few posts in this thread, it has most of what you need there.

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So xeno is their a way to do it with your ammoboxs?

Had another idea on this, seems to work OK on a dedi server, haven't tested it with JIP though.

Place a marker anywhere in the editor called AMspawn then place an invisible helipad named hp1 where you want the ammo box to be.

Finally put the code below at the end of x_client\x_playerammobox.sqf

_AM1 = "BAF_BasicWeapons" createVehiclelocal (getMarkerPos "AMspawn");
[_AM1] call FUNC(weaponcargo);
[_AM1,_box_array] execFSM "fsms\PlayerAmmobox.fsm";
player reveal _AM1;
player reveal _AM1;
_AM1 attachTo [hp1,[-6,0,1.35]];
_AM1 addAction ["Save gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_savelayout.sqf"];
_AM1 addAction ["Clear gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_clearlayout.sqf"];
_AM1 addAction ["Get Backpack" call FUNC(BlueText), "x_client\x_getbackpack.sqf"];

You may want to add the line _AM1 allowDamage false; although the crate will respawn it will be empty. Remember to comment out the backpack line if your not using the OA version.

Hope this helps.

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Had another idea on this, seems to work OK on a dedi server, haven't tested it with JIP though.

Place a marker anywhere in the editor called AMspawn then place an invisible helipad named hp1 where you want the ammo box to be.

Finally put the code below at the end of x_client\x_playerammobox.sqf

_AM1 = "BAF_BasicWeapons" createVehiclelocal (getMarkerPos "AMspawn");
[_AM1] call FUNC(weaponcargo);
[_AM1,_box_array] execFSM "fsms\PlayerAmmobox.fsm";
player reveal _AM1;
player reveal _AM1;
_AM1 attachTo [hp1,[-6,0,1.35]];
_AM1 addAction ["Save gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_savelayout.sqf"];
_AM1 addAction ["Clear gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_clearlayout.sqf"];
_AM1 addAction ["Get Backpack" call FUNC(BlueText), "x_client\x_getbackpack.sqf"];

You may want to add the line _AM1 allowDamage false; although the crate will respawn it will be empty. Remember to comment out the backpack line if your not using the OA version.

Hope this helps.

Thanx Ill have to try this out in the dedi, otherwise it works great in editor, Thank you

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@=101AD=Richard your welcome =)

Does anybody know if it's possible to alter x_helirespawn2.sqf (or any other sqf) so that it preserves the vehicle name upon respawn?

At the moment I'm using a respawn script that does exactly that, the problem is it won't work alongside the domi respawn & you lose things like the chopper welcome screen, load ammo etc.

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I'm sure someone else asked it before, but I couldn't find anything about it.

I'm editing Domination 2 to get a 2-4 Player Coop Sandbox and so far I had no problems. But now I just can't find where to alter the number of players needed to capture bunkers at maintargets.

And some time ago I had found something to change the minimum players needed to start a sidemission, then I changed it and completly forgot where this option was... now I would like to find it again...

At the time I'm messing around with the DominationOA_2_28 with ACE and Wounds.

Would be great if someone could give me a hint.

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is there a script or a way to have a MHQ already deployed at the start of a domination map?

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Sorry if this question was asked before on this thread, but dose anyone know how to edit the domination intro like changing the words and music?

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Sorry if this question was asked before on this thread, but dose anyone know how to edit the domination intro like changing the words and music?

For things like this, you need a text search utility, in fact this is excellent advice for many domi edits.

Play the game and wait for the text you want to change, in this case something like 'Welcome to Domination 2'.

Then using a file editor that has a 'search in files' feature (like I discuss in the first few posts) and search for that text. You can then open that file and change it to whatever you like.

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Found this line in the HandleCamps.fsm:

(if (_friendly < 3) then {3} else {_friendly})

have changed it to:

(if (_friendly < 2) then {3} else {_friendly})

is that enough or should I change it to:

(if (_friendly < 2) then {2} else {_friendly})

Want the Bunkers to be captured by a single person, because I think that fits for 2-4 player coop.

Have no chance to test it at the moment and don't wanna play for 2 hours with my pal, just to see it doesn't work. So please help...

And thank you for the great collection of helping posts in this thread.

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OK, modified the side mission for 2 Players but it still doesn't work, at the moment it looks like this in the i_server.sqf:

d_time_until_next_sidemission = [

[2,300], // if player number <= 2, it'll take 300 seconds = 5 minutes until the next sidemission

[10,300], // if player number <= 10, it'll take 300 seconds = 5 minutes until the next sidemission

[20,600], // if player number <= 20, it'll take 600 seconds = 10 minutes until the next sidemission

[30,900] // if player number <= 30, it'll take 900 seconds = 15 minutes until the next sidemission


Thought that should do the job that sidemissions start with only 2 Players on the server...

And in my Problem one thread before it doesn't work with:

(if (_friendly < 2) then {3} else {_friendly})

so I have to try it with:

(if (_friendly < 2) then {2} else {_friendly})

next problem is that NotAliveRemover.fsm isn't found when we play the map... is that bad? what does it?

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lol Sorry if this question was asked before on this thread, but dose anyone ?

Ok this is the my deal. I know some of the versions had a issue with this code to work right.

// if the array is empty, anybody can fly,

// just add the string name of the playable units that can fly, for example:

// for example: ["pilot_1","pilot_2"];, case sensitiv

// this includes bonus aircrafts too

GVAR(only_pilots_can_fly) = ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"];

I am currently using 2.60o,l and m versions of the mission all of them have this line GVAR(only_pilots_can_fly) = []; but when I put this in

GVAR(only_pilots_can_fly) = ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"]; Nobody can fly lol.

I would like only pilots to be able to fly in my mission but when I put the the name of the different pilots into the [] within the above code it kicks them out and says ONLY PILOTS CAN FLY! Is this still an error in the code and how can I fix it for my mission.

In the current domination versions you have to wait 29 minutes to be able to fly an attcak chopper or jet after you try to enter. How can I change this where do I look. i client, i common, i server, init or x_setup. I have looked in all but can't find anything or I am over looking the code.

any help would be great on this. AVIBIRD.

I found the answer to the 29 minutes! autokick in the description.ext change time to 0 from 1800 wow that was easy>

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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I am currently editing a domination mission to be played by myself or with a few friends. This edit will have the use of the high command fucntion and teamswitch fucntion with use of 150 units into different teams, groups, squads and platoons of units. The mission will play like a FPS RTS with no revive only a wound system. If you lose a unit it is gone for the game.

The issue I am having is with the units Special Abilities via action menus.

1. artillery operator -can_use_artillery

2. medic - can build mash

3. MG - can build mg nest

4. team leader - can call in air drops

5. Engineer can build repair centers

When the game starts and you pick a unit you have the abilities in the units action menus BUT when you use the teamswitch fucntion to a different unit that has a Special ability you get no action menu. Even when the first unit you picked at the staert of the game gets killed. No other unit has the action menu for the rest of the game for me. The same goes for the other human players in the game.

It seems you only get the Special Abilities of first unit you start the game with and if the unit has no Special Abilities then you lose the action menus for the rest of the game.

What is the reason for this? Can I change it to allow the action menus to show up on all the units that have them while using the teamswitch fucntion? Thanks AVIBIRD for any input on this.

PS. I still can't find how to allow only pilots to fly. I can get it to work on older versions of domination but not 2.60 ect

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Yeah, if you read up on selectPlayer (which team switch uses), you'll notice the

This command has significant effects on locality. See notes beneath.

thing. And do read the notes. Personally, I'd just drop it.

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We found, on our french server, since at least last august 2011 (vs 2.60i) that reinforcements are "too much" on main targets (towns).

Air and ground reinforcements arrive every 5 min without any stop until the radio tower is distryoed.

Is there a setting variable to make this reinforcements lighter or include more random from enemyai_mt_camp_pos marker ?

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Ground reinforcements? I can only speak for version 2.29 as I'm not familiar with later version, but are you sure ground reinforcements are spawned? Perhaps it's just the random island patrols you are seeing? If you're running some AI enhancements, the island patrols might be coming to the aid of the main target?

If it's the aircraft, you can change, at least, the number of aircraft spawned. In my version it's in i_server. Change it to 1 to stop them arriving in squadrons. :)

Have a look in x_server/airki.sqf. That's where the magic happens.

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Thx for aircraft spawn. Ok.

But there is really ground reinforcements on main target when the radio tower is still alive and it come from a marker.

The principle is good but it is the number and the delay between each wave that we can not set : we have not found the variable probably done to set thes reinforcements.

Edited by killjoer3f

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This marker - is it positioned in the editor? Move it further away?

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no the marker is just a marker use for debug in the domination.

so the marker is not the real pb.

it is more the "rythm" of reinforcements, probably by a delay time between reinforcements that is to be set as it is for aircrafts but not found at these point.

a kind of "reinforcement_respawntime"

ex g : in "i_server" for aircraft

// time (in sec) between attack planes and choppers over main target will respawn once they were shot down (a random value between 0 and 240 will be added)
GVAR(airki_respawntime) = 1200;

Edited by killjoer3f

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Hmm, I don't know. My older version doesn't spawn ground reinforcements.

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They're both handled with FSMs. RespawnGroups.fsm for the ground reinforcements and (I think) Parahandler.fsm for paradrops. I don't know the first thing about FSM so I ended up just completely disabling the ground reinforcements. One thing you could try is to go into x_createpara3x.sqf and changing all the waypoint speeds from "NORMAL" to "LIMITED". That should at least slow the drop aircraft down which might result in slower spawns overall.

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They're both handled with FSMs. RespawnGroups.fsm for the ground reinforcements and (I think) Parahandler.fsm for paradrops.

Ah ! good trail, we going to check that as soon as possible and let you know.

so I ended up just completely disabling the ground reinforcements.

By doing what ?

And I understand you found also ground reinforcements to eavy ?

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x_server\x_createmaintarget.sqf. Look for execFSM "fsms\RespawnGroups.fsm"; near the bottom and comment it out.

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x_server\x_createmaintarget.sqf. Look for execFSM "fsms\RespawnGroups.fsm"; near the bottom and comment it out.

OK cool we have just found it before I saw your answer !

It works OK.

But to go ferther : in the RespawnGroups.fsm

before changing and testing we think it could be in the Class Loop2 that the delay between each Respawn Groups could be : so we could change _timenow = time +3.11 to time + 300.

class Loop2
     name = "Loop2";
     init = "private [""_onegrpar"", ""_grp""];" \n
      "_onegrpar = d_respawn_ai_groups select _counter;" \n
      "if (typeName _onegrpar == ""ARRAY"") then {" \n
      "	_grp = _onegrpar select 0;" \n
      "	if ((isNull _grp || (_grp call d_fnc_GetAliveUnitsGrp) == 0) && (time > (_grp getVariable ""X_CREATED""))) then {" \n
      "		_mg_array = _onegrpar select 1;" \n
      "		_resp_mid = _mg_array select 10;" \n
      "		_rpos = [_resp_mid select 0, 600, 400, _resp_mid select 1] call d_fnc_GetRanPointSquare;" \n
      "		_mg_array set [1, [_rpos]];" \n
      "		d_respawn_ai_groups set [_counter, -1];" \n
      "		_mg_array spawn d_fnc_makegroup;" \n
      "	};" \n
      "} else {" \n
      "	d_respawn_ai_groups set [_counter, -1];" \n
      "};" \n
      "" \n
      "_counter = _counter + 1;" \n
      "_timenow = time + 3.11;";
     precondition = "";

But all this is on a loop to check the condition on a counter.

And the condition counter will respawn new reinforcements group if counter = 0 (all AI kill in the previous respawngroup).

It is at this point that we would like to put a delay around 300 sec.

Edited by killjoer3f

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