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AA Soldier, Vulcan Cannon...

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Let me first say, that I am using a purchased copy.  Also, I re-installed the entire game before installing 1.30.

Last night I created a training mission for AA soldiers and the Vulcan M113.  I had 3 Su-25's flying circles over head using waypoints.  I set their ammo to be 0 so they couldn't shoot at me.

I hoped in the Vulcan (full ammo) and unleased on them.  To be honest, I never successfully shot one down!!!!  I couldn't lock on to the target, which I've had that problem in the tank also.  However... I lead the target... I pinpointed the target, I had the planes flying slow and low... still nothing.

I then switched it to the enemy Hind choppers and did the same thing.  I finally shot something down!  However... I could see the helo coming on the horizon... so I started shooting... and shooting and shooting.. finally it passed over head and I kept shooting... finally it dropped!  I spent 1200 rounds of ammo on one chopper!  Thats not right...

I then jumped out and loaded up my AA soldier and did the same series of tests.  For one thing I couldn't lock on to any enemy vehicle.  I could lock on to houses, and towers... but not enemy vehicles!? wtf?  I proceeded to try and shoot them without... No go.

I then shot at the helo when it was flying straight at me.  It hit it square and continued on.  I'm sorry, but a stinger missile hitting a helo of any type is going to take it down.  No flimsy rotor is going to keep it aloft.

Even if I'm wrong on how much damage a stinger should do... what is the point of an AA soldier?  He shoots the HIND once and then runs?  He's better off never shooting any Russian Helo.

I hope this gets fixed... We dare not put any Russian aircraft in our game for anything other than scenery.


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"I spent 1200 rounds of ammo on one chopper! Thats not right... "

No it does not sound right, cause I can shoot down a chopper with 20-30 rounds. One time I shoot down a A10 with 3 shilka shoots. Everything on 1.3 of course.

Maybe you simply missed? You know you have to overshoot quite a lot.

The AA is know to have some serious problems, its easier to shoot down a chopper with laws than an AA launcher.

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I'll have to test it again tonight. Maybe with the Shilka also. Maybe I am just a really bad shot. Just didn't make any sense.

On the same note, does locking on to targets as a tank commander not get sent to your gunner in multiplayer? I have a #### of a time locking on to targets period... but it seems that the tank commander in multiplayer is pointless because it doesn't send the targets to the gunner. Am I missing something?

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Hmm thats Odd, I have no problem with the AA? locks up every enemy aircraft for me, using 1.30?

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Yes I'm using 1.30. I even reinstalled completely to install 1.3. I can't lock on to any targets with the AA... I have a hard time in the Tank also. Any ideas?


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Hey, don't blame the vulcan, the shikila is just as bad. I'm hopin that they will add the m6 line backer cause its radar guided. Also maybe same sites would be nice. and lastly i know the stinger is heat seeking, why is it in the gmae the stinger seems to just go straight even if the helo moves?

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The Vulcan is radar guided also. Thats what that big round thing is on the vulcan. All it does is calculate the lead time and puts the gun ahead of the moving target.

I find it very weird that we are all getting different results with these weapons. I know I wasn't missing in my test last night. It almost sounds like FADE... But I purchased my copy... Could it be that it was because I was using an addon? a modified Island?


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I've had the same problem, the shilka works fine, but with the vulcan, I get sure hits on them and can't kill them. Also the stingers won't hit at all, I fire and it just goes straight after I lock on.


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