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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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As far as I'm aware it only received bad press here.

Have a look at the comments on the bottom of any article announcing OFPDRRR.

I give you but a small selection:

"Why has everyone forgotten what an absolute load of nonsense Dragon Rising was? LOL!" EscoBlades,

"wont be getting this, no pvp, its a disgrace they are still using the operation flashpoint name" allygray69,

"Its OK codemasters you can keep it. Played dragon rising at a friends house and it was complete junk." Kleptomaniac

"the first one was completely shit." LOLshock94, (Ah, LOLshock94, sweet prince, you know the value of concision :b:)

The sheer volume of these comments makes it clear that most of the people with these opinions have not even played Arma/2.

It's not really the quality of the first game that's the issue, as much as CM's lies and total lack of support for it that are remembered. Take a look at the dedicated servers request thread on CM's forums and see how they held off from saying that there wouldn't be any until the precise point at which nobody could return the game.

Word of mouth and reputation are kings. Metacritic is just a number.

Edited by Richey79

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Has anyone noticed that when you type "O F P" together it shows a facepalm in place of F and P? Ha! Guess even the forums are sentient to a level where they knows CM sucks

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As far as I'm aware it only received bad press here.

On Metacritic for example, a collation of many reviews, Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising scored 76.

ArmA 2 scored 77.

ArmA OA scored 74.

ArmA scored 74

ArmA Queens Gambit scored 67.

The original Operation Flashpoint scored 85

and the Xbox version Operation Flashpoint Elite scored 64.

So it wasn't wildly received as a gaming classic perhaps, or considered the equal of the original, bit not any significantly worse than the ArmA titles on the reviews front.

A2 User Score: 78

OA User Score: 73

OFPDR User Score: 48

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I mentioned this on the widely popular "Dragon Rising has been released" thred regarding seemingly puzzling reviews for O face_palm.gif DR.

These so called independent reviewers will never totally slam a large developer or publisher for fear that they may lose ad revenue in the future. So if you wonder why you hardly ever see a hair pulling rant at Ubisofts DRM, or EA's crippling of the C&C franchise for example - simply put only a fool would shoot themselves in the foot by slagging off a potetial adverstising partner that could be worth thousands. It a similar thing with hardware review sites. Codies, (ahh sounds cute eh - well, think cooties), are a sizable company whose advertising and marketing budget is huge - look at how much they spent on O face_palm.gifDR!

Even bad games will often get a %75-%80 score if they are from a major publisher or developer with £££'s or $$$'s to spend. (btw, I only have those 2 currencies on my keyboard, so you know, don't feel left out ROW).

So, yes, as is mentioned above, check the user rating, it will give a more accurate description of the games public reception.

Edited by Bascule42
Face Palm...I love it!!

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Haters gonna hate. Especially the hardcore BIS fanbois, because CM stopped publishing BIS games but kept the OFP name. It's not "epic fail" if it's profitable, and obviously it is since they are making a sequel. Even if it's bad in some "combat simulation" nerds' perspective, CM probably doesn't give a fuck as long as it makes money and the players who will like it neither.

I think it sounds okay. It's good that they have a more defined direction. OFP DR felt like they couldn't decide if they were making OFP, Delta Force or COD4. Who knows, maybe they can make a more cohesive and playable game this time.

X2. I wish there were more "sane" people like you and me in these forums. Let's just calm the **** down and enjoy both games.

---------- Post added at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

In fact, it's more of a case of morality here. They're simply misleading those who don't know better that their hallow-shell-of-an-OFP-product "games" are the true sequels to OFP, giving no acknowledgement of BIS. I've met people who've been lead to think that BIS stole OFP from Codemasters, not the other way around. That's pretty bad...

Yeah, it's a shitty situation alright, but at the end of the day It's Just A Game. There's no need to get all morally just an' shit about this, learn to live with it and move on.

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To be honest with you mate, I don't read anything linked from this thread.

The reviews I read as with the original will be those I usually visit. And those I happen to read in a moment of boredom in my car or something.

I just assume that everyone here posts links to somone saying how bad the game is and don't bother.


Ubisoft DRM got atrocious reviews in every single article I've read. It isn't all a conspiracy old man. Some people just enjoy games you don't. That's all.

Edited by Baff1

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Red River now enjoys a very positive reception from the public, will be a huge success:rolleyes:

read comments



Nice... future FPDR

Exactly what does finding youtube comments prove exactly? I can find ANY video of ANY subject and I can garauntee you someone out there is going to post something about Hitler and George Bush. People with too much free time will always post something hateful on any video site or they will spend hours looking for such comments on the web in a piss poor attempt to prove a point. ;)

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Ubisoft DRM got atrocious reviews in every single article I've read. It isn't all a conspiracy old man. Some people just enjoy games you don't. That's all.

Conspiracy, what conspiracy? Who's talking about a conspiarcy? I'm talking about the comman business sense of not biting the hand that feeds, or will be feeding you. And don't go using "old man" in that condescending way - thinking your'e the James Bond of forums. Reveiwers skirt around it by saying there is user/player outrage at DRM, for example, and not by actully slamming the company. The Ubisoft DRM is simply an example of sycophantic reviewers who tend to be so far up the arses of major develpers they can see what they've had for dinner before they've swallowed. But despite the "bad press" no reviewer is actually going to have a full scale go at the company.

The fact remains that Oface_palm.gifDR was such a failure that even the developers washed thier hands of it pretty damn quick. They promised the world and delvered Croydon.

If you like it...good for you! I've not got a problem with that. But if you expect people, especially here, to not want to have a go at the second installment of Codemasters Oface_palm.gif, The No 2 if you like, you are sadly mistaken.This is a thread about Oface_palm.gif:RR. On Bohemia Interactives forum. Anyone defending that crap is going to have a very tough job convincing people to thier another point of view. True, its just a game. But it's also true that this is the internet. Middle ground? Your kidding!

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X2. I wish there were more "sane" people like you and me in these forums. Let's just calm the **** down and enjoy both games.

As I said earlier, the game having the OFP name only adds fuel to the fire for me personally. The biggest issue is that they are misleading people into believing the product will be something it's not. Very few people follow the news on their games or post on forums, and they won't realize that Red River, despite having the OFP title, is going against/without everything that made OFP unique, therefore it's not an OFP game. It's simply a FPS with the OFP name developed by people completely unrelated to the original who only wish to make money off of it, not please their fans as DR showed us. They also are unlikely to know how big of a failure DR was, or that it even exists.

They are frauds using an established brand name to milk money from interested customers, plain and simple. Plus, Codemasters have a terrible reputation for releasing games with many issues and never fixing them, or taking huge periods of time to release one mediocre patch. At least BIS acknowledges their games are released with issues and support them for years afterward.

When it gets to this point it isn't "just a game", it's fraud. I cannot and will not enjoy or even play a game produced by con artists, whether it's Codemasters or anyone else. It's a matter of principle.

It's a shame that's just how the business world works nowadays, and how it's infected the games industry...

Edit: And anyone who says that Ubisoft's DRM for their PC games is okay is not worth anyone's time. It's plain and simply lying.

Edited by Zipper5

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Conspiracy, what conspiracy? Who's talking about a conspiarcy? I'm talking about the comman business sense of not biting the hand that feeds, or will be feeding you.

That's the one.

Ubisofts DRM is an example where all the reviewers said it was terrible. And yet you continue to claim they didn't. Hence...conspiracy. You want there to be some big conspiracy for some reason or other. But there isn't one.

I doubt The developers of Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising consider it a failure, the sales figures were in millions. They all got paid.

The developers who you thought had washed their hands of it, are now making another one. Perhaps they were all along, or perhaps they have produced another game in between.

They work for a company that makes games. A studio. When they finish one title it's straight onto the next.

Given that they have just announced a sequel, the idea that they all "washed their hands of it" is about as fanciful as the idea that reviewers didn't all slate Ubisofts DRM.

There is no conspiracy.

Edited by Baff1

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Kane & Lynch - Jeff Gerstmann?

Tell the truth against the big budget boys: get ready to clear your desk.

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That's the one.

Ubisofts DRM is an example where all the reviewers said it was terrible. And yet you continue to claim they didn't. Hence...conspiracy. You want there to be some big conspiracy for some reason or other. But there isn't one.

I doubt The developers of Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising consider it a failure, the sales figures were in millions. They all got paid.

The developers who you thought had washed their hands of it, are now making another one. Perhaps they were all along, or perhaps they have produced another game in between.

They work for a company that makes games. A studio. When they finish one title it's straight onto the next.

Given that they have just announced a sequel, the idea that they all "washed their hands of it" is about as fanciful as the idea that reviewers didn't all slate Ubisofts DRM.

There is no conspiracy.

I never said no reviewer said it was a terrible thing to do. I said no reviewer went so far as to slam UBI for doing it, or to quote from my first replay there..."and not by actully slamming the company".

Theres no cons-pir-a-cy, (except that you can make the word piracy from conspiracy perhaps... ooo-er), you bought the word conspiracy into the argument. Maybe you're conspiring with yourself to bring down an argument by alluding to conspiracy theories thus attempting to associate the negative connotation that the argument that you are alluding conspiacy theories to, is born from some kind of back water redneck who is hording gold and building up a arsneal of weapons for when the big crash comes.

For what I am saying to be a conspiracy would mean that, to take a random example, I said random - don't go reading something into that, there's no conspiracy here either - say Gamespot. Gamespot would be in collusion with, again a random example, EA, to never say bad things about them and that in return they would think about adverstising with them. Ridiculous. No, it's more like me not saying, "All DR players are idiots", just in case one of them wants to be my friend and buy me a big box of sweets.

Just like the spoon, there is NO conspiracy.

As for you other point. Of course they are planning a sequel. To a game they washed thier hands of in less than six months after promising the moon on a stick of DLC, (and what they did release was more like a turd on a bun). It would be foolish to not do a sequel, as you say it sold well. Excellent marketing by CM, that I will admit to. But it failed very soon after, part due to expectations not being met, (A sequel to Cold War Crisis?), and part down to the fact that it was damn sight less than promised, (no real mod support, no dedi servers, pain in the arse multiplayer, dull landscape, retarded AI, I mean R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D AI), and of course, and Im sorry to repeat myself here, the fact that CM dumped it. With the fanfare of "Nice" from Mr Lenton.

Edited by Bascule42
changed ass - arse...Im am British. :)

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5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/conspiracy

CM agree to give exclusive preview to, say 'XBox Magazine'. Are 'XBox Magazine' going to want to make it sound interesting and exciting? Are 'XBox Magazine' going to jeopardise future exclusives from CM (this includes reviewing it fairly honestly, but on that special scale where 7.5/10 = totally unremarkable and 9/10 = pretty good)?

CM get what they want, 'XBox Magazine' get what they want. Nothing has overtly been said about 'we'll pay you off if you give us at least 8/10'. CM pay for juicy ad campaign in 'XBox Magazine' in the run-up to release. 'XBox Magazine' is going to look unfavourably at a reviewer who gets fed up with what is in the business' interest and decides to give a brutally honest review of one of CM's games.

So... 'conspiracy' as in tacit agreement to mislead people's perceptions to an extent, not conspiracy as in


The frustrating and unfair element comes when indies then can't fight on a level playing field. But then they have the advantage of needing to recoup less revenue before they get into profit and can take more risks (only sometimes, though - it's easier to gamble with other people's money).

...and occasionally publishers develop more pronounced megalomaniac tendencies, and do try to manipulate journalists to achieve nefarious results (http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/54122/Aussie-Editor-Canned-Over-Red-Dead-Redemption-Review).

Edited by Richey79

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Well basically I created an account to criticize the censorship thats raging on CM forums:

Youre not allowed to show or write anything negative from their products, especially OF: DR now that Red River has been announced, or else your post egts removed, account banned and IP banned from forums.

Here's my post: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-off-topic-1179/422254-hello-goodbye.html#post6359483

If the post has been removed, then action has been taken already, and my account has been removed and IP banned.

If you still want to read what I wrote, but the post is removed, this is what I wrote.

While writing these lines, I know I'll most probably share the treatment that all my friends and their friends shared when writing on these forums.

If not, then it is a sign someones woken up from this... madness and not pressing the "delete" key, which might result in him losing his job but anyway, you'll understand what I am talking about if you read this post in whole:

As mentioned earlier, my friends and their friends, they've wrote un-biased reviews on these same forums from Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.

Basically, he just showed bugs and weird stuff from the game along with screenshots etc etc, he asked for that these bugs hopefully would had been... fixed in the upcoming title, Red River.

Too bad you can't find these reviews anymore, as there was action taken on immediately against the posters:

-Their posts got removed.

-Their accounts got deleted.

-Their IPs were banned.

I'm sorry but is this some sort of... censorship or something?

Nothing, nothing criticive is allowed to be said from Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising? And if you do, they're gonna make like you or your account never existed on these forums.

Why does this remind me of Germany during Cold War?


Oh yes, the citizens of East Berlin were NOT allowed to say anything bad about their government, or else they were punished, or to say in a way that applies to these forums aswell: silenced.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, before my friends were banned, they were called as trolls or flamers... what, you become a mythological creature if you write an un-biased review of such a game as OF:DR?

A-Ha! Now I get it! It's because there simply has not been a one un-biased review of OF:DR yet!

All the big companies, starting from IGN have been PAID to write only the good things from their game! Now does that make sense? Reminds me of East Berlin again.

Ok well that's all I had to say. I'll go sleep now, goodnight!

I know that the dictator himself probably deletes my account etc etc removes this post so that his flock, his "community" (ive heard that CM pays some users to stay at forums and praise their game... thats just sad lol) can't never see the thruth. You can't say that I didn't actually try to make people realise. Well I'm happy I don't have to spend my time on this community more than the time I took writing this post.

Whoever's deleting this post now, you should wake up or smth, because game industry is to make games, entertainment for people, not to brainwash them. I'll come to check these forums after a week.

If I get this sign saying my account has been banned, and my posts has been removed, well... that's like signing a contract where you swear that you are a communist.

Good Night.

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It's no secret to anyone here that Helios and his goons are banhappy censoring "moderators", but let's not discuss how the forums are moderated over there. We already discussed it to death with DR to the point there was nothing left to discuss, and it's not changed with Red River.

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Why sign up to 2 forums just to b1tch?

-= EDIT =-

I just say, Who likes DR let them play, Who likes ARMA2 let them play. Stop the moaning and bitching between the two. They are both better than Mw2, They both beat games like HALO... If people cannot afford computers to play ArmA II, or Prefer the Infantry battles in DR, then let them. Does it matter to YOU that people play it? Its their choice....

Can we just stop this stupid argument between the 2 games. And just let it settle.

Edited by Ben_S

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Still no word on the entity count?

If it's the same then I don't care what else they add -spawing enemies suck!

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Funny to see though that here in Germany most Game Mags respond to the first news as if this would turn out to be a big hit. I cant blame Codemasters, apparently they got a top notch PR team.

However the comments the game mags are getting right now are highly destructive and the authors of it are trying to safe what there is to safe. Desperate attempt considering the amount of angry posters! Codemasters better bring on something good this time or they are out of the genre forever.

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I love the fact you are sucking Helios/Sions socks as much as you can on CM forums, rage-posting on each thread about the almightiness that ConsoleMasters is, and Sion's infinite wisdom by dropping the ball, yet again, even before the game has started work on (in fact it did just after DR was released), but then you come here asking for truce, peace of all sorts between communities and whatever else.

At least here, everyone is free to discuss freely about the games we play, and COMPARE the two where it is possible.

So with all due respect, the links that you posted is nothing but a proof of your unborn turd petting hobby, and the love making dreams about Helios.

So please stop feeding some bullshit around here. None is gonna take it.

Best regards

Edited by PuFu

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lol? Im not feeding anyone bullshit. Infact I just said Can we stop this stupid argument between the two..... Incase you didn't realise I play both.

Helios is the Community Manager, Sion is the one in charge of RR, I've never said either of them are good at their jobs. Just stating facts.

I say the same on CM's Forums, Stop this argument, and just be happy playing both. God sakes, its not as if RedRiver is gonna get close to being the realism of ArmA series. Heck, I still play the original ColdWarCrisis because its just that good of a game.

So please, don't say I suck up to Sion and Helios just because I like playing DR as I do ArmA.

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People, you wanna know the cold hard truth about forums? They're NOT A DEMOCRACY. It's their private forums and they have every right to kick anyone they want as much as you fanboys have the right to post your views Somewhere Else. If gamers really wanted to find as much information about DR or CM they will look for it. You're all acting as if CM has the power to reach out their hands and silence us even in this forum!

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Codemasters better bring on something good this time or they are out of the genre forever.

Hard to say, as far as genre goes OFP was a mixed bag but I guess mil-sim would be the most appropriate. Red River has already fallen out of that category with the things they have taken out, 4 people doesn't make a military neither does taking away a section, mil-sim covers every aspect. However it does stand a chance to enter "personal combat" sim if it shows to the players, what it is really like through the eyes of a soldier.

A strong trait CWC and Resistance had and by that I mean the mental breakdowns, biting ones tounge and doing what they have to even if they don't like it, showing some anger, fear etc.

Watching your team mates die around you, later missions effected by it but not necessarily instafail where if one person dies GAME OVER...they talk about seeing it from a soldier in a more personal way so that would be nice to go along with the personalization...if your character is more like what you would be then why not give them a relateable personality..need less gruffy emotionless characters.

Edited by NodUnit

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