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CBA: Community Base Addons for A2, OA and CO

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Perhaps you've missed that you need to have all the CBA modfolders active for CO etc? Please refer to the readme.

If the game doesn't start anymore when you're not using a -mod= startup parameter, then that's because of limitations when using the ingame mod-manager - you'll have to clear your arma2oaprofile from mods, or add the required ones. As workaround you can use -mod= in startup params or use a launcher.

I think there's plenty of threads/posts about that in the ARMA2 Troubleshooting section.

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-Psycho-;2152298']If you use latest cba from SU your startparameters have to look following:

-mod=@cba;@cba_a2;@cba_oa; ......

Also the needed serverkeys (included in cba dl) must be present in the "keys" folder on server side.

If you did that and you use the same cba version on client side all work fine. If not the bug is in front of your keyboard. ;)


Well I tried both, the latest stable with only CBA in mods as you can see above and I tried latest dev build with CBA CBA_A2 and CBA_OA. None of them worked. If I dont turn CBA_A2 and OA it complains on start how it cant find CBA_A2 (or OA ) XEH if I do then it complains about conflicting addons, which would be as I recall CBA_UI helper in CBA_A2 and CBA_OA. Im just out of ideas here.

You said to place CBA keys is server keys folder, so I wonder if I did it right now. Will that be in the @CBA folder keys or in the server root keys pr expansion/keys? Its annoying how nothing is explained and you have to hunt information around.

Edited by _MaSSive

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You said to place CBA keys is server keys folder, so I wonder if I did it right now. Will that be in the @CBA folder keys or in the server root keys pr expansion/keys? Its annoying how nothing is explained and you have to hunt information around.

Simple modfolder method - it's the same method since almost 11 years. What for informations you have to hunt?

C&P the .bikey from every cba folder in the keys folder in CO main dir.

Show a screenshoot from your mainfolder which show the included modfolders and the content of keys folder. Also your complete start command line.

Maybee your server .rpt again...


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-Psycho-;2152507']Simple modfolder method - it's the same method since almost 11 years. What for informations you have to hunt?

C&P the .bikey from every cba folder in the keys folder in CO main dir.

Show a screenshoot from your mainfolder which show the included modfolders and the content of keys folder. Also your complete start command line.

Maybee your server .rpt again...


First of all server is linux debian 6 x64 and there is no GUI which makes it a bit more complicated' date=' but not impossible. It might be easy for someone who is longer in this but for someone who is just starting information is scattered aroun the net and you have to pickup pieces around. At least thats how I did it, to make it to setup everything.

Now my server directory looks like this.

2302.pid            @balkan_war_mod    @ibr_dtowns       player
2302.run            ban.txt            @ibr_plants       readme_oa.txt
@ace                battleye           @ibr_rn           readme.txt
@acex               @brg_africa        install           server
@acex_ru            @cba               @isla_duala       server_console.log
@acex_usnavy        @cba_a2            @jayarma2lib_new  tmp2302
@acre               @cba_oa            keys              tolower
addons              checkfilelist.lst  lang.ini          tolower.c
arma2_manual.pdf    common             log.2302.txt      @torabora
arma2oa.cfg         dll                logo-paul.bmp     userconfig
arma2oa_manual.pdf  dooacsconfig.sqf   mainserver1.cfg   @vilas_aks
arma2oaserver       dta                missions          @vilas_wwp
@asr_ai             expansion          mpmissions
@balkan             @fallujah          @panthera

I copied all that from my home PC which has CO installed ( from gamersgate ) patched to 1.6 beta. Downloaded Linux Server beta 1.60.92364 and did as instructed. Then gathered info on how to configure it. Server.cfg network tuning, security, BE rcon etc.

So if CBA keys are not in arma2server/keys CBA will not work? Why is it complaining that its missing XEH if it will work but you will not be able to connect? Also I have Dooacs and some PvP addons ( disable stock OA/A2 missions and some others ) and DooACS requires CBA but its not reporting that its missing, although I cant see if it works or not.

Ill try placing CBA keys in server directory/keys and Ill report back. Also I dont know where server rpt file should be I cant find it.

Edit: Here are the keys I have on server. I copied missing ones there from all @mods/store/keys folders

abih.bikey                      ibr.bikey
abihv.bikey                     ibr.bikey.gz.zsync
ace_b522.bikey                  ibr_duala195.bikey
acex_b353.bikey                 ibr_duala195.bikey.gz.zsync
acex_ru_b64.bikey               jayarma2lib.bikey
acex_ru_b64.bikey.gz.zsync      senadhvo.bikey
acex_usnavy_b67.bikey           senadvrs.bikey
acex_usnavy_b67.bikey.gz.zsync  shezan74.bikey
acre2.bikey                     shezan74.bikey.gz.zsync
acre2.bikey.gz.zsync            six_brg_africa.bikey
acre.bikey                      six_fallujah.bikey
acre.bikey.gz.zsync             six_fallujah.bikey.gz.zsync
akr.bikey                       six_ibr_dtowns.bikey
asr_ai.bikey                    six_ibr_plants.bikey
asr_ai.bikey.gz.zsync           six_ibr_rn.bikey
bi2.bikey                       six_isla_duala.bikey
bi.bikey                        six_isla_duala.bikey.gz.zsync
brg.bikey                       six_panthera.bikey
cba_a2_b7.bikey                 six_panthera.bikey.gz.zsync
cba_b175.bikey                  six_torabora.bikey
cba_oa_b4.bikey                 six_torabora.bikey.gz.zsync
cba_v0-8-3.bikey                six_vilas_wwp.bikey
chill.bikey                     vilas.bikey

Forgot to say that I used this script for syncing addons

# ACE Update script for linux
# by Dr.Pulp - www.FAKKer.de
# In order to use this script you need to have gunzip and rsync installed!
# You will also need two seperate folders to use the advantage of rsync,
# because otherwise "tolower" will alter the filenames and rsync will download
# them again everytime you use the script.
# After the script finish succsessfully, you will have new folders depending of the number
# of mods you like to synchronize. the folders a called like the mod with a leading @.
# Configuration start            #

# Directory where the arma server is installed

# Directory where rsync stores the data. DON'T use a subdirectory of your arma directory!

# List of available Mirrors. You can add new mirrors, or delete ones that are no longer functioning. Leave a blank between mirrors!
MIRRORLIST=(dev-heaven.net s01.6thsense.eu s02.6thsense.eu arma2.armagoons.com six.bssnet.dk zeus2.zeus-community.net)

# Mods you like to synchronize with this script. For a complete list of available mods look at http://updater.dev-heaven.net/main !
# You can use every mod listet there -> just use the modname without @. Leave a blank between mods!
MODS="cba cba_a2 cba_oa ace acex acex_ru acex_usnavy acre"

# Advanced Configuration         #
# Define some of the OS tool the script uses. If you encounter an error you can check is your pathnames may differ with the type command. example: type rm
# this will tell you your exact path to your rm. in case it differs, edit this part...otherwise leave it as it is.
RM="/bin/rm -r"
RSYNC="/usr/bin/rsync --times -O --no-whole-file -r --delete --progress -h --exclude=.rsync rsync://"
CP="/bin/cp -r"
GUNZIP="/bin/gunzip -r"
# Configuration end              #

# Function: random mirror selection

# Loop: deleting folder, rsync, decompress ad copy for each mod you selected
for MOD in $MODS
 INFOSYNC='Starting to synchronize '$MOD'!'
 echo '   ----------------'
 until [ "$OK" -lt "1" ]
   $RSYNC$MIRROR/rel/$MOD/./.pack/ ${ARMA_SYNC_DIR}/@$MOD
   BAILOUT=`expr $BAILOUT + 1`
   if [ "$BAILOUT" -gt 10 ]
     ENDE='There is a problem with rsync of mod '$MOD'! Aborting Script to prevent a loop! Check your directorys, user-rights or maybe just all mirrors are full at the moment'
     echo $ENDE
 INFOCOPY='Copying '$MOD' Mod to the destination folder!'
 INFOZIP='Decompressing '$MOD' Mod!'
 echo $INFOZIP

# Converting filenames to lower case letters

# copying keys, mpmissions and userconfig to the right folders
for MOD in $MODS
 if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/store/keys
     $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/store/keys/* ${ARMA_DIR}/keys
     if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/keys
        $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/keys/* ${ARMA_DIR}/keys
 if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/mpmissions
   then $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@ace/mpmissions/* ${ARMA_DIR}/mpmissions
 if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/userconfig
   if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD
     $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/userconfig/* ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD/
     /bin/mkdir -p ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD
     $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/userconfig/* ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD/
 if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/store/userconfig
   if test -e ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD
     $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/store/userconfig/* ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD/
     /bin/mkdir -p ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD
     $CP ${ARMA_DIR}/@$MOD/store/userconfig/* ${ARMA_DIR}/userconfig/$MOD/

I must say that its not quite reliable so use at your own risk.

Also this is my start script posted in my first post. Not complete just editable part

# armaserver: ArmA 2 Linux Dedicated Server Control Script
#  (c) 2010 BIStudio
#  ArmA 2 binary version must be 1.04 or later

#========               CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS                ========
ulimit -c 1000000

With changes it should be like this

# armaserver: ArmA 2 Linux Dedicated Server Control Script
#  (c) 2010 BIStudio
#  ArmA 2 binary version must be 1.04 or later

#========               CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS                ========
OTHERPARAMS=[color="#00FF00"]'-cpucount=4 -mod=@cba\;@cba_a2\;@cba_oa\;[/color][color="#FF0000"]@balkan\;[/color][color="#00FF00"]@ace\;@acex\;@acex_ru\;@acex_usnavy\;@acre'[/color]
ulimit -c 1000000

@balkan contains folder addons with the following:

disabledstockmpmissionoa_server_c_pvpscene.pbo   disabledstockmpmissionsa2_server_c_pvpscene.pbo.pvpsceneco.bisign  dooacs.pbo
disabledstockmpmissionsa2_server_c_pvpscene.pbo  disabledstockmpmissionsoa_server_c_pvpscene.pbo.pvpsceneco.bisign  dooacs.pbo.doo.bisign

Should I have keys of these addons in server root/keys too?

EDIT - FINALLY : After some fight with version errors and copying latest dev build to server, and copying its keys to serverroot/keys I got it working finally. No CBA errors anymore, but my server is shown in red, even though I can connect to it. How can I work with that?

Edited by _MaSSive

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I personally think CBA needs to be brought up to date,to work without throwing errors as almost all mods rely on this and it seems to me that its starting to become somewhat of a problem. Fact stated if Mod makers can put time into making a mod work for the Community without errors then surely the Foundation of Arma2 and Arma2 Co mod Gaming can be at the very least kept up with to not throw errors.

Ive up until now never once had an issue launching OA by itself without mods. And never once did it require CBA till the last update. Ive been running sixupdater for many months with CBA constantly saying CBA mismatch When I join with ACE or if other people join with ACE. Its very concerning to me that the Very Foundation of Mod gaming isn't being kept tidy knowing that almost all mods are built to work or rely on CBA.

Up until now i never had a problem and now I'm being told that the way I have things set up is the problem. I don't know about all that. In al,l I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into ACE and many other mods,along with the Strong foundation CBA did have to stay up to date without errors but it wouldn't be giving people all these problems with launching the game and errors in game if it was kept up to be a bit more reliable with today's mods.

As for the launcher thing I either use Sixupdater or I use Arma2 Launcher I hate using Arma2 launcher nowadays however because of random

game crashing with the Error--------> "Arma2 Reinforcements has encountered a problem and need to close."

In regards to setup for launching my game Ive kept the same setup for a few years now and it has stayed the same but CBA has been updated a few times and I stick to my guns that all was well with launching stock OA without a launcher or requirement for CBA till the last update of ACE and CBA which now requires not just CBA but 2 more CBA types to be loaded.

When I don't get that problem I get the XEH not found problem. I will say no more and eagerly await a fix for this problem so that CBA is not required to launch Stock OA. Thanks for listening to the feedback from your users and I REALLY DO APPRECIATE THE WORK THAT HAS GONE INTO THIS THUS FAR. Just have really had my share of the errors and believe its time to get to the bottom of this.

Either way the Cookie Crumbles You guys are amazing at this stuff so Im sure youll eventually get it cleared up,Im not stepping on anyones feet here. Good luck with fixing the issues.

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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CBA is not required to start A2OA. Check your launcher setup/presets. Btw there is a possibility to (re-) start A2OA with addons/mods just with vanilla A2OA - check/uncheck addons or mods in "Expansion" menu.

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Not sure what you are on about.

CBA should work flawless without any errors. If there are errors to report, please create a bug report with details like the rpt file, error message etc; https://dev-heaven.net/projects/cca/issues and we will take care of it ASAP.

CBA version mismatch is not an error, its at best a warning, and it should be correct. Keeping servers up2date is not our responsibility.

As to startup problems, requirements simply have changed a few weeks ago, readme updated, and you need to adjust your launch methods for it, unless if you use SU since that takes care of everything automatically.

Please refer to my earlier post about the limitations of the ingame mod manager (out of our control!), and how to workaround or resolve.

Lastly, let me stress again, if there are actual issues, please report them with details incl the RPT file to the Issue Tracker and we will dispatch a fix ASAP.

Feedback is welcome there too.

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Ok rgr that. Hear you loud and Clear. One thing I have to mention is I like the latest Updater and Launcher Idea. Icon looks cool too. Nice work. So is Sixlauncher a way of launching DAYZ ? I thought it had something to do with launching Six updater without updating or something.

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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Ok rgr that. Hear you loud and Clear. One thing I have to mention is I like the latest Updater and Launcher Idea. Icon looks cool too. Nice work. So is Sixlauncher a way of launching DAYZ ? I thought it had something to do with launching Six updater without updating or something.

Cheers :)

If you want to disable SU's auto-update, you can do so by adding a startup parameter, refer to the documentation for info.

You can find the details about Six Launcher over at http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?118605-Six-Updater-Install-Update-mods-missions-Delta-patching-Server-browser-and-more!&p=2152990&viewfull=1#post2152990

Also please refer to that thread for anything Six Updater/Launcher related :)

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hey guys,

could someone give me an example, of how i change the parameters of the cba_taskdefend?

apparently i'm not very good at scripting. let's say i want to call the cba_task_defend at a waypoint with Building Size Threshold set to 3 and can patrol = true.

what would i have to put in the waypoint-on-act.-line?

also, is there an easy way to tell the unit to cancel the task_defend and continue with the next waypoint?

your help is much appreciated:)

arma community is the best!

greetings from germany, twistking

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Using, CBA_VERSIONING: cba_a2=, cba_oa=, cba=,

In both client and server RPT, I get this;

ERROR: You seem to be an A2: Operation Arrowhead Combined Operations user, but have loaded the @CBA_OA mod folder! Please restart the game without that mod folder.
ERROR: You seem to be an Operation Arrowhead user, but have loaded the @CBA_A2 mod folder! Please restart the game without that mod folder.

I'm running all three CBAs on my CO server but nothing on the client as CBA is only for ASR_AI, a server side mod.

Am I doing this right?

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Using, CBA_VERSIONING: cba_a2=, cba_oa=, cba=,

In both client and server RPT, I get this;

ERROR: You seem to be an A2: Operation Arrowhead Combined Operations user, but have loaded the @CBA_OA mod folder! Please restart the game without that mod folder.
ERROR: You seem to be an Operation Arrowhead user, but have loaded the @CBA_A2 mod folder! Please restart the game without that mod folder.

I'm running all three CBAs on my CO server but nothing on the client as CBA is only for ASR_AI, a server side mod.

Am I doing this right?

Heya, if you are using these older versions, then you should not run CBA_OA and CBA_A2 for a CO server.

If you run 1.0.x or newer, then you need all 3 for a CO server; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103871-CBA-Community-Base-Addons-for-A2-OA-and-CO&p=2135662&viewfull=1#post2135662

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Hi mate,

Oh, I've got the wrong version. I thought I had the latest. :) Didn't realise we were up to 1+

Ah, it's not on DH? Can I get it without SU?

Many thanks

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Help! I can only find .8.3. on Dev Hev. Where are the later versions?

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^^ NP I hope that CBA makers put on DH last version soon for ppl who DON'T WANT to use SU :p

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There it is! :) Cunningly hidden in the depths of the internet.

Thanks SB. Those errors I mentioned earlier are gone too. Excellent. :)

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Sorry, FNG here, do I put the @CBA folder in my arma 2 folder if I have combined ops?

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Not sure if this belongs here, but I've spent the last couple of days spending most of my free time looking for a solution to my problem(s). I purchased Combined Operations from Steam, with the intent to play the game (both Arma 2 and OA content) with the ACE mod (not DayZ like everyone else). Using Six Updater, I was able to download and install ACE which automatically installs @CBA, @CBA_A2, and @CBA_OA. Other forums, such as steampowered.com, have said if you have CO to NOT install @CBA_OA. After reading the CBA readme, it says otherwise. I'm also running the beta patch. Using Six Updater to launch the game, everything appears to work fine until I enter any mission.

Most of my issues are problems with the HUD. Compared to the vanilla version, I'm missing the bullets and magazines remaining indicator, zeroing indicator, the radar at the top left corner of the screen, the targeting reticle (and therefore the steering wheel and gun-swap icons), as well as any range display. Trying to play through the Boot Camp missions to get a feel for the game, there has also been errors (ex. no CLU for Javelin during the Firing Range training, hell-fire missles not following lased target in UAV mission, etc), but I would be fine with them if I just had the HUD functionality.

I don't know if this is a CBA or ACE problem, but it is definitely one of the two. I've searched for these specific problems and it appears they are uncommon because I can't find anything on it. I don't know where to begin as I have the updated version of all the mods, the beta patch, i've run Arma 2, then OA, then CO after re-validating game caches, and i'm still missing my reticle. Any help is much appreciated.

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Other forums, such as steampowered.com, have said if you have CO to NOT install @CBA_OA. After reading the CBA readme, it says otherwise.

Trying to play through the Boot Camp missions to get a feel for the game, there has also been errors (ex. no CLU for Javelin during the Firing Range training, hell-fire missles not following lased target in UAV mission, etc), but I would be fine with them if I just had the HUD functionality.

Hey BlackendZ,

I also got Combined ops from steam and installed ACE and CBA, the problems you describe are in some way not real problems but features of ACE as far as I understand it. The missing range indication, crosshair, bullets and magazines add to the realism and that is what ACE aims for.

Took me quite some time to figure out how to handle the javlin with ACE as you need to have the javlin and the clu in your inventory, if you select the javlin you then need to activate/reloade it with the clu. I tested most of this in the editor as I also encounter problems in the bootcamp missions. For instance the helicopter mission is more or less done by itself as it seams that with ace the targets that need to be destroyed with rockets or guided missiles are missing.

Regarding CBA, I run Combined ops now with the following start parameters as only CBA wont work for me:


If I only use cba (without cba_A2 or cba_OA) Combined ops wont start and gives me two error messages (cba_main needs cba_helper or something like that).

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Refer to the readme accompanied with each release to know which cba folders you need for which game editions.

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