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Delta Hawk

Is this a good poly count?

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I know this might sound like a silly question, but I'm making a highly detail H1 Hummer and the poly count is really concerning me, so is 16,000 tris +- 5,000 an ok poly count for a really detailed vehicle? I'm not really asking for the game engine limit, but opinions.

I want it to look nice, but I don't want it to lag alot.

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I know this might sound like a silly question, but I'm making a highly detail H1 Hummer and the poly count is really concerning me, so is 16,000 tris +- 5,000 an ok poly count for a really detailed vehicle? I'm not really asking for the game engine limit, but opinions.

I want it to look nice, but I don't want it to lag alot.

16K is fine for this game and modern games..20K is around the usual counts, more importantly really is how many sections you have, texture sizes and amounts and so on.

If you aren't familiar with it this engine uses a more specific LOD system than most, your interior views are not the same as what you see on the outside so you can have a less detailed interior in outter LOD's, then in pilot/cargo etc view load up the details.

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so, I am working in Blender and 3DS Max, should I use low poly renders for the weapon and aircraft models?

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