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COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

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I've made an edition that contains all the current ACE2 equipment (as far as I could gather) and which supports saving ACE backpacks, -content, and ACE weapon on back.

It does NOT contain any ACE specific units or vehicles, feel free to add them yourself.


For everyone who needs to know, the following files have been changed:

- config.sqf (just set the tfor_ACE flag)

- initplayer.sqf

- scripts\ammocrate_filler.sqf

- scripts\saveloadout.sqf


Edited by Bon

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Bon any way you could tell me how to make the supply drops more accurate? They don't need to be pinpoint but I'm having trouble with them going into water and losing them in high-grass areas since the smoke disappears before they hit the ground.

Also, sweet job on the ACE stuff

EDIT: Also, could you please tell me what files you changed between 1.03 and 1.04 so I can update a ported mission I have accordingly?

Edited by zuff

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Hey Bon,

Any chance of you releasing your air resupply script as a standalone. It works really nicely, in MP and on dedi servers which I can't seem to crack myself.

I tried myself but could not seem to get all the dependencies right.

Nice we work on all the commenting for this mission Bon, I learned a great deal by looking inside.

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Hey Bon,

Any chance of you releasing your air resupply script as a standalone. It works really nicely, in MP and on dedi servers which I can't seem to crack myself.

I tried myself but could not seem to get all the dependencies right.

Nice we work on all the commenting for this mission Bon, I learned a great deal by looking inside.

Here you go.


But keep in mind: this script is only intended to be used in Multiplayer when there is at least one dedicated supply manager.

Supply Managers must be players and can't be requestors at the same time as well as a player can only request a supply drop when another player serves as supply manager.

Edited by Bon

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Is there a simple way to disable Ai Recruitment via the config?

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As LoneStar said, theres no way to disable the Recruitment by a mission parameter and there's no flag you can set for that in the config.sqf.

But there are several ways how to disable it, and the one I recommend is, that you replace all the code in the bon_recruit_units\recruitable_units.sqf by just this line:

bon_recruit_recruitableunits = [];

Then everyone no matter of which type will have an empty recruitment list.


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I did the very same. :)

Thanks again for your hard work Bon and for providing an alternative to Domination with a more infantry oriented mission.

Edited by Lonestar

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Hi Bon, are you planing a TFOR or CFOR Version, with BW-Mod and AMT Content ?

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Thanks guys for voting. I didn't really consider voting on a mission, because, voting for my own mission is weak, and for the rest, well, its just so many good missions out there, pretty hard to pick one. The more I appreciate you vote for mine :)

@Dieter66: Sorry, no plans for such thing.


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Not only should your mission be recognized for great game play but for Ease of Port to other Islands.

Well Done, definitely a Winner!

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Bon, I'm noticing since using your ACE version, the ammoboxes are spawning in different places for different people. For example, it will show up where it was placed in the editor just fine for me, but the next person that joins sees it placed in a different spot.

What could be causing this?

EDIT: Update. It's doing it for me on non-ace version as well.

The mission I have I've added two ammo boxes instead of one.

In the config.sqf I've added this:

tfor_ammobox = "USVehicleBox"; // <- the thing at base
[b]tfor_ammobox2 = "USVehicleBox"; // <- the thing at bas[/b]e

and in the initplayer.sqf I've added this:

_ammo = tfor_ammobox createVehicleLocal getMarkerPos "ammoboxes";
_ammo allowDamage false;
_ammo addAction ["<t color='#668AFF'>Save Loadout</t>", "scripts\saveloadout.sqf",[],-99,false,true,"",""];
[_ammo] execVM "scripts\ammocrate_filler.sqf";

[b]_ammo2 = tfor_ammobox2 createVehicleLocal getMarkerPos "ammoboxes_2";
_ammo2 allowDamage false;
_ammo2 addAction ["<t color='#668AFF'>Save Loadout</t>", "scripts\saveloadout.sqf",[],-99,false,true,"",""];
[_ammo2] execVM "scripts\ammocrate_filler.sqf";[/b]

Could this be causing the random placement of the ammo box?

EDIT 2: The Truck that spawns for the support mission is not able to be towed by helicopters, even when removing towing restrictions. This is a great problem for Lingor 1.1 since one of the islands is not even accessible by land. Any clue on making this work, Bon?

Edited by zuff

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How would I go about adding UAV terminal to a vehicle?

edit: fixed, now how would I make it so you can use it INSIDE. At the moment I can only use it while looking at it.

Edited by JLea

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  • concerning the ammo box: don't worry, that's no bug, more an issue. The ammocrate is created locally for each client once the player has joined, and when stuff is lying around (like weapons, ammo, whatever), the ammocrate spawns at a slightly different position because of not enough room...
  • concerning the truck: in the bringtruck.sqf mission file, there's the line
    _truck setVariable ["tfor_nolifting",true,true];
    that removes the ability to tow the truck. And if I were you, I'd think about trying to remove either the location from the location pool or the support truck mission from the mission pool rather than removing this line, because... I mean... think about it: being able to tow and lift the truck with a helicopter, the "bring truck from A to B" mission has no point anymore.


Sorry, not possible (rather said, not simple). It is Bohemia code, that adds the UAV action to the player unit. When you enter a vehicle, you are actually not playing the player unit but the vehicle itself. So you'd need to additionally add the UAV action to the vehicle. Modifying the given code according to this would be very very messy (did it once, wasn't worth to me).

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Ref supply script, sorry for the late thank you...."THANK YOU !"

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Thanks bon!

EDIT: Nevermind, this doesn't seem to work in multiplayer :( "skiptime" is supposedly local only. I'm a sad panda.

Thought I'd share this with anyone who was interested.

I made Bon's mission scripts increase time by 6 hours after each mission's success or fail.

This way after 2 missions you're playing at night, so players are forced to vary equipment and what not. The time-change is not sudden, either, its a gradual speed up (time-lapse).

Put this code into each of his sqm files after the SUCCESS and FAIL statements at the bottom:

stop = 12;
_z = 0;
while {_z < stop} do {skiptime 0.5; sleep 0.1; _z = _z + 1};

Mission files found here: scripts\missions\mscripts

Example airattack.sqf with time script added:

// by Bon_Inf*

if(not isServer) exitWith{};

_location = _this select 0;
_size = ((size _location) select 0) max ((size _location) select 1);

EnemiesSpawned = false;
[_location] execVM "scripts\missions\spawn_enemies.sqf";

if(tfor_enemy_reinforcements == 1) then {
WaitUntil{not isNil "ReinfSpawn"};
While{not ReinfSpawn && tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do {sleep 4.567};
} else {
while{{side _x == tfor_enemy_side} count nearestObjects [position _location,["Man","LandVehicle"],_size] > 10 && tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do {sleep 4.567};

_get_airattack_spawnpos = {
_pos = position _this;
_ang = random 360;
_rad = 2000 + random 250;
_a = (_pos select 0)+(sin(_ang)*_rad);
_b = (_pos select 1)+(cos(_ang)*_rad);
_pos = [_a,_b,_pos select 2];

private ["_pos"];
for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do {

_airattack_spawnpos = _location call _get_airattack_spawnpos;
_pos = _airattack_spawnpos isflatempty [10, 0, 0.1, 15, 0, false, ObjNull];

if(if(count _pos > 0) then{_pos set [2,0]; if(count (_pos nearRoads 100) == 0 && _pos distance (getMarkerPos format["respawn_%1",tfor_friendly_side]) > 2000) then{true} else{false}} else{false}) exitWith{};
if(count _pos == 0) then {_pos = _location call _get_airattack_spawnpos};

_number_attack_helis = 3;
_enemies = [];
_helis = [];

if(tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission) then {
sleep 5;
tfor_commandchat = format["Attention all Squad Leaders: the enemy launched %1 attack helicopters heading to your position. Dig in and take them down.",_number_attack_helis];
publicVariable "tfor_commandchat";
player commandChat tfor_commandchat;

for "_i" from 1 to _number_attack_helis do {

	_type = call compile format["tfor_%1_air call getRandomElement",tfor_enemy_side];
	_Grp = [_type,tfor_enemy_side,_pos,0] call spawnVehicle;
	_Grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
	_Grp setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
	(_Grp addWaypoint [position _location, 0]) setWaypointType "SAD";

	_heli = (vehicle leader _Grp);
	_heli lock true;
	_helis = _helis + [_heli];

	_enemies = _enemies + units _Grp;

	sleep 20;
(_enemies + _helis) spawn tfor_cleanup_after_mission;

While{{canMove _x} count _helis > 0 && tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do {sleep 5};

if(tfor_deathcount > tfor_max_death_per_mission) then {
tfor_missionstate = "FAIL";
[color="red"]stop = 12;
_z = 0;
while {_z < stop} do {skiptime 0.5; sleep 0.1; _z = _z + 1};[/color]
} else {
tfor_missionstate = "SUCCESS";
[color="Red"]stop = 12;
_z = 0;
while {_z < stop} do {skiptime 0.5; sleep 0.1; _z = _z + 1};[/color]

stop=12 is 6 hours, so stop=6 would be 3. stop=3 would be 1.5 hours etc.

I'm sure there's an easier (global) way to put this in but I'm not very script-smart. If anyone figures out a way to do it instead of editing each of the 13 or so mission files let me know!

Edited by zuff

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Hey Bon, I just got a task "Investigate Jilavur" and I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I've gone into and cleared every building and killed every enemy in the area yet the task never updates, I'm still supposed to investigate the village. This is getting a bit frustrating. :confused_o:

Would it be at all possible to include a version for single player where you can play as a commander and use any vehicle? When my friends (many in different countries) are offline I'd love to still be able to succeed at this mission.

Oh and I'm voting (voted) for your mission on the Community Awards right after I type this up. :p

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Hi JuggernautOfWar,

there's three different "investigate xyz" missions with individual outgoings.

  1. Decease the enemy in the area, and they will launch 3 attack helicopters your team is to destroy.
  2. Decease the enemy in the area and you will get the position of a militia firebase your team is to destroy.
  3. Your team is to spot and investigate an enemy encampment (some tents with a bonfire).

In case you killed all enemies in the area and nothing happens, you may look for this camp thingy.

For the commander to be able to operate all stuff, you need to slightly modify the config.sqf.

The section

tfor_pilots = ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","US_Pilot_Light_EP1","CZ_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","BAF_Pilot_MTP"];
tfor_crewmen = ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1","BAF_crewman_MTP"];
tfor_sniper = ["US_Soldier_Sniper_EP1","CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1","BAF_Soldier_Sniper_MTP"];
[color="Blue"]tfor_commanders = ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1","BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP"];[/color]

you change to:

[color="Blue"]tfor_commanders = ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1","BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP"];[/color]
tfor_pilots = ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","US_Pilot_Light_EP1","CZ_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","BAF_Pilot_MTP"][color="Red"] + tfor_commanders[/color];
tfor_crewmen = ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1","BAF_crewman_MTP"][color="Red"] + tfor_commanders[/color];
tfor_sniper = ["US_Soldier_Sniper_EP1","CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1","BAF_Soldier_Sniper_MTP"];

You get what's done here?

hf. and thanks for voting :)

Hey Bon, I just got a task "Investigate Jilavur" and I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I've gone into and cleared every building and killed every enemy in the area yet the task never updates, I'm still supposed to investigate the village. This is getting a bit frustrating. :confused_o:

Would it be at all possible to include a version for single player where you can play as a commander and use any vehicle? When my friends (many in different countries) are offline I'd love to still be able to succeed at this mission.

Oh and I'm voting (voted) for your mission on the Community Awards right after I type this up. :p

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EDIT: I found a little camp about 950m away from the objective on a mountain next to the village. I've leveled the tents, barraged it with some 70mm rockets, and set the ammo crates alight. I also shot down one Mi-24 and one Mi-8 aircraft. Still no "Good job!" message. :(

1. What about snipers? Do they need the + tfor_commanders suffix for the air support to be transferred to the commander as well?

2. Just curious, but does the commander line need to be on the top afterwards?

3. Is there a way to allow the commander to recruit any soldier the others can (pilot, crewman, etc)? It's annoying flying an Apache but with the inability to have a gunner.

4. How do you call in supply drops?

5. Oh I almost forgot: What are the waypoints in the server parameter "Waypoints and FOBs)?

Thanks for the speedy reply. :)

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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EDIT: I found a little camp about 950m away from the objective on a mountain next to the village. I've leveled the tents, barraged it with some 70mm rockets, and set the ammo crates alight. I also shot down one Mi-24 and one Mi-8 aircraft. Still no "Good job!" message. :(

1. What about snipers? Do they need the + tfor_commanders suffix for the air support to be transferred to the commander as well?

2. Just curious, but does the commander line need to be on the top afterwards?

3. Is there a way to allow the commander to recruit any soldier the others can (pilot, crewman, etc)? It's annoying flying an Apache but with the inability to have a gunner.

4. How do you call in supply drops?

5. Oh I almost forgot: What are the waypoints in the server parameter "Waypoints and FOBs)?

Thanks for the speedy reply. :)

1. Yes

2. Yes, the tfor_commander variable needs to be called out before using it again.

3. Check recruitableunits.sqf in the bon_recruit_units folder to add different units that can be recruited.

4. Squad leaders can call in supply drops, commanders can grant them at UAVs

5. They are Rallypoints, and can be placed by Squad leaders and commanders to have a place to respawn to.

Bon, I know you don't care for the PMC stuff, but if I wanted to change the friendly side to PMCs and have the players play as them, what settings would I change?

The first thing I tried was setting up the PMC Team Coordinator as the commander. I added his class name to the commander list "Soldier_TL_PMC" but he still couldn't build. His side is defined by "Independent" so could that have something to do with it?

Would I need to change something in the config.sqf for "tfor_friendly_side = west;" ?

Hope this is ok to ask you, since earlier you stated your opinion about PMC stuff, but I'm not asking you to do any work, just tell me how I can set it up.

EDIT: Since posting I've worked non-stop to get it to work, and I think I may have done it.

I've changed PMC units for players to "west" in the mission.sqm. This seems to have done exactly what I needed but it's a pain editing them in the future.

Also, running ACE I noticed the A-10 is not dropping its bombs when the sniper calls in a bombing run. Not sure if it's ACE that's causing it but I can't seem to get the bomber to do it's run correctly.

Thanks :)

Edited by zuff
answered 1 and 2 of juggernaut's questions.

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easy way to get pmc units to become west, is to group them to a west man of higher rank, with the probability of presence set to 0%.

That way, you have made them west easily ;)

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easy way to get pmc units to become west, is to group them to a west man of higher rank, with the probability of presence set to 0%.

That way, you have made them west easily ;)

Yah that was interfering with my Group stuff and high command module :/

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