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About This Club

Ich betreiben seit 2014 Arma3 Server erst Epoch und ab den release Tag von Exilemod nun diese Spielvariante von Arma 3 , bis Anfang 2019 nur PvP und ab Mitte nur noch PvE , Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen meinen Server zu besuchen wenn ihr ein gemütliches Zusammenspiel mit Anspruch sucht ! mehr Infos findet ihr im Web https://tko-gameserver.de/ , sucht TKO im Launcher und Spielt mit uns , gerne besucht uns im TS unter ts.tko-gameserver.de / https://discordapp.com/invite/rDxWpXb I have been running Arma3 Server since 2014, first Epoch and from the release day of Exilemod now this game variant of Arma 3, until the beginning of 2019 only PvP and from the middle only PvE, you are cordially invited to visit my server if you are looking for a comfortable interaction with aspiration ! You can find more info on the web https://tko-gameserver.de/ , look for TKO in the launcher and play with us, feel free to visit us in the TS at ts.tko-gameserver.de / https://discordapp.com/invite/rDxWpXb

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Thomas TKO

    News on Chernarus

    I will close my chernarus 2035 server end of next mounth 1.04.2020 its over with chernarus 2035 , Think its fair i give poptaps and Respekt to other Server like Weferlingen or Virolathi so send me the pic from your poptaps and Respekt and tell me on what server you Play .
  3. Thomas TKO

    Need Help ?

    Have you Problem Join on TS ip : or ts.tko-gameserver.de or use Discord PM ME discord.gg/rDxWpXb
  4. Thomas TKO

    News on Weferlingen

    New Stuff to Craft RwG Addon
  5. Thomas TKO

    News on Weferlingen

    Change building parts to 400 from 320
  6. Thomas TKO

    News on Livonia

    Add new Mission up to 80AI Waffenlager Ausbildungsager FarmerZodiak Area51 Das Kraftwerk Die Waffenschmiede Die Raketenbasis Die Fabrik Das Radar Facebook Wald unten ein wenig dezimiert Roaming Ai Heli entfernt "Sound Bug"
  7. Thomas TKO

    News on Chernarus

    Add Base Attack from Base with Level 6 aiSetup[] = { 2, 2 }; // format: {amountOfGroups,unitsInEachGroup}; allowLaunchers = yes; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers hasLauncherChance = 20; // In percentage. How big the chance that each AI gets a launcher killPercentage = 100; // How much of total AI has to be killed for mission completion (in percentage) maxAttacks = 2; // Maximum amount of active attacks at the same time | can not be turned off minimumLevel = 5; // Minimum required level of base before it can get attacked minimumWait = 30; // Minimum time (in minutes) to wait whilst player is present in base randomModes = yes; CrossSword ak Shipwracks PressMe Change Marker to no Marker , now 10 Wracks with BIG Box on Map Farming Add Farming Drogs , Weed and Mining 3 Player need online and time from 30-60 min Spawn with different Marked Farming places , Need Knife for Drugs and Shovel 2700 on Trader for Mining After Progress you have some stuff for Sell on Inventory , !! Marker its only 10min on Map !! Possible Building Places Change of the permissible building area, now 200m to the next building only possible , Large Mission Squares are still limited by building not possible . Now to the bunkers it comes to more often problems with the inventory its gone now you can move only empty bunker ! Exile Container SupplyBox Add the Supply Box on Trader , Now you have 4500 Poptaps for the Box self , maybe now Player sell the box not leave empty Boxes on Trader City
  8. Thomas TKO

    News on Weferlingen

    Add Base Attack from Base with Level 6 aiSetup[] = { 2, 2 }; // format: {amountOfGroups,unitsInEachGroup}; allowLaunchers = yes; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers hasLauncherChance = 20; // In percentage. How big the chance that each AI gets a launcher killPercentage = 100; // How much of total AI has to be killed for mission completion (in percentage) maxAttacks = 2; // Maximum amount of active attacks at the same time | can not be turned off minimumLevel = 5; // Minimum required level of base before it can get attacked minimumWait = 30; // Minimum time (in minutes) to wait whilst player is present in base randomModes = yes; CrossSword ak Shipwracks PressMe Change Marker to no Marker , now 10 Wracks with BIG Box on Map Farming Add Farming Drogs , Weed and Mining 3 Player need online and time from 30-60 min Spawn with different Marked Farming places , Need Knife for Drugs and Shovel 2700 on Trader for Mining After Progress you have some stuff for Sell on Inventory , !! Marker its only 10min on Map !! 2 new Big Mission Military base Remove PvP Zone not need and no Player use this Possible Building Places Change of the permissible building area, now 200m to the next building only possible , Large Mission Squares are still limited by building not possible . Now to the bunkers it comes to more often problems with the inventory its gone now you can move only empty bunker ! Exile Container SupplyBox Add the Supply Box on Trader , Now you have 4500 Poptaps for the Box self , maybe now Player sell the box not leave empty Boxes on Trader City New Mission Big Mission Rechenzentrum , Kreiswehrzentrale Add winter Version . Do not forget the winter tires !
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